Beautiful Tooth Fairy’s Certificates for kids

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Moms are indeed very anxious about changing their children’s teeth. It is often difficult to manage our children’s emotions as they prepare to change teeth. Especially when the time comes for their first tooth to fall out. We don’t know what to do, what to say to them, or how to manage their anxiety, fears, and emotions.
Fortunately, our first experience of tooth loss was smooth, because I managed to prepare our little boy. He had also seen a classmate without a tooth and saw that some months later his new one started coming out.
In such situations, there is the right “figure” that will save us from difficulties… The Tooth Fairy! Have not heard of it? It’s time to learn everything…
The Tooth Fairy is an elf that is very dear to children. It is a custom that probably originated in 13th century Iceland. According to legend, the child puts his tooth under the pillow before going to sleep. The fairy comes secretly at night, takes the tooth, and leaves in its place a coin or a small gift. She often leaves the certificate with her signature, when the tooth is in very good condition.
This myth is effective because it helps children to accept change more easily and encourages them to pay close attention to their oral hygiene.
Fear and insecurity are the first and most basic emotions that children feel at the idea that they will be missing a tooth. They are afraid that the other children will make fun of them. They don’t know how to manage this change, nor the emptiness they will have in their mouths.
To help them, we talk to the children about the impending change. We explain to them that it is not a process that should scare them. We explain to them that usually, it doesn’t hurt. Also, even if they see a drop of blood there is no reason to be afraid because it is from the tooth that is leaving.
At the same time, we try from an early age to teach them to take care of their mouth and teeth. We let them know how important this is. In addition, we do not forget that many books deal with oral hygiene, caries, gingivitis, decayed teeth, but also sweets and chocolates.
It is a print that children get from the Tooth Fairy. The certificate essentially “reveals-certifies” the existence of the fairy to the children. At the same time, they have the impression that not all imaginary creatures are naughty or evil. She takes their tooth and leaves a coin to get the new tooth strong. Usually, she leaves the certificate as a reward for treating their mouth. Possibly a coin. In this way, she encourages them to continue grooming their teeth.
The visit certificate is the biggest indication and proof that the fairy exists and she visited them. Still, it is the extra reward for the care they showed for their teeth. This gives them even more motivation to take care of their teeth. They also give birth to an expectation for the next tooth.
You can find several certificates on the internet with a simple search. We give you our suggestions and all you have to do is choose and print.
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Interesting! Didn’t know the tooth fairy custom was that old and came from Iceland. My son still has a few years until he loses his pearly whites, but now I have some good ideas of what to do then 😉
I made some research when I decided to do this. I didn’t know it either. These are useful printables. Just pick up the one you like and be ready… I’m really glad that I helped! When time comes I can’t wait to see if he liked it…