How to read using Syllable disks


The summer is over. The new school year has just begun! Each school level has its difficulties. After all, school is not an easy task for children. That’s why they need the help of their teachers and parents, but that does not mean that parents should be intrusive. Their role, our role, is completely helpful and we must not forget that.

In general

Children’s first contact with writing the letters is the pre-writing. However, the children who will start reading this year have an additional degree of difficulty. It’s not the same doing your homework when you know reading, than knowing neither reading nor writing. Isn’t so?

So, let’s try helping these children, parents, teachers and even schools. We gathered information and created our own material for teaching reading.

What exactly are syllable disks and how can we use them?

They are disks with two internal rotating disks. One includes the consonants and the other the vowels. Each time you rotate them, you create a syllable in the open part of the disc. Prerequisite is that the child knows the chants of the letters.

Download the file and print it. Cut the discs. Place the vowel tray under the consonant tray and cover them with the external ones. Attach the discs even with tape or duct tape so that the exteriors remain stable and the insides can be rotated. As you rotate the discs, syllables are formed. Alternatively you can stick a straw behind each disc and pass it through the center of the discs below.

In this way children play with the basic syllables, they learn the ways in which they can combine the letters to form syllables and then words. With this innovative method, children will learn to read while playing, starting of course with simple words.

It is very simple and easy! Download the file below, print, assemble and get started!


It is an easy method! Every parent, every school, and more specifically every teacher and every teacher can use the syllable disks for the benefit of the children.

Learning the syllables we help them in recognizing the syllables, in reading them and finally in reading simple words.

We remind you that you can help children learn the letters and some words using the printable with letter cards.

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