Organizing the kitchen cabinets


One of my favorite chores in the house is arranging and organizing the kitchen cabinets. It’s time to dump her and move on. Then everything returns clean, sorted, refurbished and tidy.


I know, we all think we know how to clean or renew things, cabinets. However, we must keep our minds open and see a different perspective. Another way to do some work. At the very least, we can try to see if the different way could become our way… After all, there is always someone young who wants to try, who wants to learn. Let’s see how you can do it…

Getting started

First, you take everything out and you have to clean the food cabinet inside and out. Next, check each food for its expiration date. In the next step, you have to reorganize everything. You take each open and used food package and reorganize them. You can put the food in a glass jar or Tupper.


It would be very helpful if you put a label out of the jar or taper. Stick the label and write the type of food and the expiration date. Equally important, the brand would be useful. For example, pasta of a different brand is probably boiling at a different time. Thus, it’s a good idea to either put a label with the type of food, the brand, and the expiration date written on it.

You can also cut out part of the package with the important information and stick it on the jar. Moreover, there are other ideas such as using blackboard labels or creating your labels. It is your choice. For this reason we have created some labels to help you.


Why get into this process

Therefore as a result of doing all this work, you have all the necessary details and put them in a more organized place in the right place. In this case, you will not have open packages, there are no mistakes and in case you have a space issue, placing one jar on top of the other can save space.

And what about the other cabinets?

The next thing you can do is rearrange the pans, plates, cups, glasses, and other things you have in the kitchen. Take everything out and clean your cabinets. It does not matter if for a while you will have everything out and everything will suck for a while. Check your cabinets again and see if you can put them in a better and more organized way.

Put the things you use most often somewhere you could easily use them. Another key point is that things you usually do not need to put back in the cabinet, in another cabinet, or somewhere else. They are easier to use and easier to store again.

To sum up, try to save space. Try to put everything in such a way that it is not difficult to get them to use. We need to help ourselves more. We need to think more about the small details that make us tired and make our daily lives difficult. So the solution is one… Think wisely!

See also:
How to make your weekly meal plan
Seasonal housekeeping
How to stop throwing away food now!
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