New goals for a happy new year!

Happy New Year! We wish you health and happiness! Last year was very different from any other year… I think noone can argue with that fact… And how could anyone do it anyway, with so much happened…

Every year we make our final report. What did the year give us and what take from us. What did we do, what did we achieve, what did we go through… Joys, sorrows, laughter, smiles, cries, thoughts, dreams that came true, dreams that remained dreams and are waiting their turn to come true…

But as soon as the new year comes, all the emotions change… We are filled with anxiety and expectations for the new year. We all sing together, laugh, kiss each other… When the new year comes, new thoughts begin…

What is better way than organizing these thoughts and expectations… In my country people say… “When people make plans, God laughs”! This, however, does not mean that we can not or do not have the right to plan, to dream! We are optimistic after all! So, the first day of the year is the most appropriate day for finding ways to make our daily routine better, or even ways to change our lives!

Have a glass of wine, listen to the music you love, the one that relaxes you… Organize your thoughts, print the file we give you and think… Which is your goal for the new year? What about your dreams? Which are the wishes? How do you plan to chase them? Which are the possible obstacles and how do you think you will overcome them?

Let’s see together what you need to do… Fill in the 3 main goals for the new year. In order to achieve the goals you need to make some gradual moves… Don’t forget to fill in every 3 months what you need to achieve, in order to be closer to the final goal, to the desire, to the dream! Which difficulties do you think you will face in any effort to achieve the 3 month’s goals?

Think and write a way to meet your expectations. Fill in your favorite motto, which should preferably be related to the fulfillment of your goals. If you can not think, fill it in another time. But keep in mind that it is necessary, because it will always give you the encouragement you need. Put the form in a prominent place, so that you can see it often and stay as faithful as possible to the effort you make.

Every 3 months study the point you are in relation to the 3 month’s goal. If it’s necessary, make the appropriate improvements, so that you will stay in the same direction… Deviating from the goals is not necessarily a bad thing. It can also be your lesson for keep following your dreams… Of course it is something that shows either the wrong planning or the unbalanced factor of everyday life. In these cases, we roll up our sleeves, reprogram ourselves and move on.

No wish and no dream can come true easily and at once! Many times various factors appear in front of us that delay or hinder us… It requires dedication, effort, sacrifice, planning and method! Equip yourself with these features, do your best and everything will become a little easier… Besides, do not forget… A lost battle is ONLY the one that has not been given yet!

Download the file we offer you for FREE, print, organize your thoughts, fill in, roll up your sleeves, start working and see your goals come true!

See also:
5 tips not to throw away food
How to make your weekly meal plan
How to start saving easily!
Organizing the kitchen cabinets
8 Ways to keep your Passwords

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4 comments on “New goals for a happy new year!

    1. admin Post author

      Me too… I just love it…. Before the end of each year I sit down and think about everything that happened that year….. when the next year comes it’s time for new thoughts and goals!!!

  1. Flo

    Thank you for sharing. I love organisers and as i am a visual person, it helps me a lot to focus on my goals and be more productive!

    1. admin Post author

      I totally agree with you… organisers can be so useful the whole year but they are even more useful on the first days if each year!


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